keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

Archive for June 11, 2008

Tracing the 20 year old Trail of Transferable Impartation

The following quotes from an Elijah List article help to trace the trail of the transferable impartation that started 20 years ago and leads straight to Lakeland, Florida, and beyond…


“The story of this current outpouring can actually be traced back 20 years ago to an obscure Bible College teacher in South Africa who felt called of God to surrender his life to become a missionary to America. His name was Rodney Howard-Browne.


…in 1993, there was a certain burned-out Vineyard pastor in St. Louis, Missouri, who had, himself, seen seasons of visitation and healing in his past; he was so hungry to experience it again, that he chased Rodney Howard-Browne down and attended some meetings he was holding in Tulsa, Oklahoma. That man was Randy Clark. By his own admission, he tells about how he got into the prayer line for “impartation” five times in one night just because he was so hungry for more of God and His power in his life.

…Randy has gone on since then to build an international, apostolic ministry that is touching nations with healing and impartation of revival fire.

Not long after that, another hungry Vineyard pastor named John Arnott heard of what had happened in Randy’s life and invited him to come and do four nights of meetings at his church in Toronto, Canada, in the cold and snowy January of 1994. What happened next certainly changed my mind about the impartation and transferability of anointings and mantles. But way beyond that, it has had major impact on the Church worldwide. The impact felt from the visitation of God that occurred at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship is with us to this day, and there is much we can learn from it.


The Toronto meetings grew from hundreds to thousands, and the fire spread. Healings and miracles were taking place, and people continued to be powerfully touched by the love of God and His presence. This truly was an impartable and contagious anointing. Smaller version of the same outpouring began to occur in churches all over the wolrd. One such place was an Anglican church in England called Holy Trinity — Brompton.


Through the mid to late 90’s there were revival “hotspots” burning all over the world, the most prominent of which was the “Toronto Blessing” and the “Brownsville Revival” in Pensacola, Florida.


After her week of power encounter, Heidi Baker returned to the mission field with a fresh empowerment from the Holy Spirit…

Another minister who was powerfully touched by the Toronto Revival was a woman who already had an effective ministry in Western Canada during that time. As a prophetic visionary and effective author and teacher, she took what she received and began to train people to experience their own ongoing personal revival through her “Glory Schools” and other seminars and materials. Her name was Patricia King.


Patricia became a “carrier” of the “renewal anointing” and took it back to her spheres of ministry in western Canada. It was there, during the late 90’s, that she was in a meeting where she prophetically identified and called out a young man named Todd Bentley to launch out into an evangelistic ministry, and prophetically “commissioned” him into a ministry of signs, wonders and miracles.

Todd grabbed the mantle and ran with it…


… As exciting as it is that there is a portal of open heavens occurring in Lakeland, Florida, even more exciting is the fact that it is contagious and transferable and available wherever hungry believers are crying out for more of God’s revelation, power and presence.”

The Impartable Anointing
Jim Wies, Itinerant Minister and Web Pastor
Extreme Prophetic Ministries

Go to the above link for the whole story.

This brings us up to date (from the Freshfire website) to the latest chapter in the story:

“Daily impartation is slated for all senior leaders and all those who serve in the revival meetings. As well, every Friday night we also have a special impartation and anointing service for everyone. However, if the Lord leads, we may lay hands on everyone during the weekly meetings several times, too. We believe this anointing is to go to the world.” – A Personal Message from Todd, (from Lakeland) May 20, 2008, Freshfire Ministries main page,


But what does the Bible teach about an anointing that is transferable, impartable, and contagious?

A ‘transferable anointing’ is not seen nor practiced anywhere in Scripture. We also find that the Apostles did not rush around laying hands on people to impart an experience of ‘fire’ or power. They did not chant words over and over and expect a immediate response. The impartations done today that come through certain men are not the true anointing, who is the Spirit of God. Only God can give the Spirit; Jesus is the baptizer of the Holy Spirit, not man. Man cannot control God- there is no teaching on how to obtain or release the anointing to another.”

Read the rest of this excellent article here:

Is the anointing tangible and transferable; can we impart it?


The Impartation

Todd Bentley Responds to Criticism

Wolf Tracks would like to draw attention to the recent response by Todd Bentley to his followers regarding the widespread criticism of his teachings and the fruit of the Florida outpouring. This will be of interest to all who have been following the revival trail and the supposed appearing (and disappearing) of certain angels.

The following are just a few choice excerpts…

Bringing Biblical Light to Your Questions about the Lakeland Outpouring & Todd Bentley

by Todd Bentley
June 8, 2008

“… if I say that I had a vision of an angel, or encountered one or even spoke with one, but you haven’t doctrinally or experientially, come to terms with the reality of angels being in our midst, then you may not attribute it as valid. You may even tag me as someone who worships angels, seeks them for counsel, ministers under the power of, or misrepresents them in some way. In the case of the angel called “Emma,” who I described as having mother-like nurturing qualities, some have automatically assumed that my doctrine is that I believe in female angels. This has never been the case! For whatever reason God chose to show me this angel in a female persona, He did. This isn’t to say that the angel was female. Angels are spirit and appear in many forms. Perhaps that’s the form God chose this angel to take for the purpose of the revelation He gave me. They are spirit beings of light, created out of God’s glory, without gender, and appear in whatever form God chooses to send them to us.”


“…I asked my staff to remove from our website, articles that are causing such strife and division and deterring the Body from the very real and pressing focus of these last days. Jesus wept when people missed the purpose. Every blessing flowed and people received, but they missed the purpose. Don’t miss the purpose!

Again I emphasize, it’s good and right to search out the Truth and to discern the spirits, God expects us to do so. Nevertheless, it’s also important to do so outside of one’s comfortable box, not mistaking discomfort for discernment, and realizing that God is not only a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but also a God of new things. Realize also, that if you spend time in His presence, in fellowship with Him, and if daily, you put on the full armor of God and spend time in His Word; you’ll be more comfortable erring on the side of extravagance rather than quench the Spirit. A body of believers without the Holy Spirit is a breathless, lifeless body.”


Read the entire response at the above link.

It may be important to note that the article ends with a reference that appears to bring weight and authority to Todd Bentley’s ministry. This hearty endorsement of the revival is from Dr. Gary S. Greig, PhD., a former Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Regent University School of Divinity, and Senior Editor, Theology and Acquisitions for the Regal Publishing Group. He is an instructor for Vanguard Ministries, president of Kingdom Training Network and has also served under Dr. Peter C. Wagner.

NOTE: This may be a side trail, but it’s an important one. Dr. Gary Greig is the spiritual advisor of Mark Virkler (as claimed here: Virkler teaches that you can hear the voice of God, guaranteed, through 4 steps of meditation and journaling.

Watch this youtube of Mark Virkler practicing automatic writing/channeling here:
How to hear God’s Voice guaranteed by Mark Virkler
The Arnott’s (TACF) say they have been profoundly impacted by Mark Virkler’s teaching.

See the on-line book written by Greig, Virkler, and Frank Gaydos here:
How to Release God’s Healing Through Prayer

Update: There are some related comments on this subject here:

Lying Spirit Manifests Again Through Todd Bentley About Angel Emma

Baa Baaa – Or Blah Blah, Bam Bam?

There are two short ‘B’ movies on the internet starring Todd Bentley which reveal the strange foreign dialect he speaks…but then, one should not expect a hireling or a wolf in sheeps clothing to speak perfect ‘sheepese’:

Todd Bentley and The BLAH BLAH Prayer
(where Todd Bentley is “not done messin with her yet”)

Todd Bentley in “BAM BAM Bentley

Is this how a humble servant of the Lord operates under the power of the Holy Spirit? Do those who shepherd and feed the flock speak like this? Do they ‘mess around with’ the sheep, bam them, kick them, knee them in the stomach and head butt them? Todd Bentley does.

If anyone has not yet listened to this testimony, perhaps doing so will shed some light on what is currently happening…
Listen to Todd Bentley tell how he was influenced by a Roman Catholic Charismatic Mass and homegroup led by Frenchie the “seer prophet” who is “up there in the Bob Jones category”:


Or here (same thing):

Also in this audio:
-Todd also tells of a demon he manifested, threw him on the floor writhing like a snake, cursing Jesus, and 25 demons were cast out of him by Frenchie
-Todd says that when he got saved “the demonic started showing up”
-hear Todd say “demons are real and they are messin’ around with me”

Think about this for a moment, and then think about what Todd Bentley said to the girl in the “Blah Blah” clip. He wasn’t done “messin’ around with her yet.” Is the Holy Spirit violent? Does He ‘mess around’ with us? Or does he gently woo us, guide us, teach us, comfort us, and lead us into all truth (as He is the Spirit of truth)?

Come on you sheep who are flocking after the hirelings and wolves in sheeps clothing! Test these things to see if they are from God! Even the little lambs can recognize the truth! (*WARNING: HEARTBREAKING -See Todd Bentley Out of the Mouth of Babes:

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27



Todd Bentley discipled in prophetic by a Roman Catholic Charismatic