keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

Archive for June, 2013

From Wolf Howl to Wolf Growl – Who’s Not Laughing Now?

Not Laughing Now
by Phil Johnson

Rodney Howard-Browne, self-styled “Holy Ghost Bartender,” has taken notice of the Strange Fire conference sponsored by Grace to You (October 16-18, 2013). He seems unnerved by the prospect that twenty-first-century charismatic phenomena are going to be examined in light of Scripture. Howard-Browne’s trademark giddiness has gone missing. Recently, he wrote this stream-of-consciousness rant on his Facebook page:

There is coming a massive attack on the Pentecostal/ Charismatic movement by a group of individuals that don’t believe in the power of the Holy Spirit today – these men do not believe in speaking in tongues or the gifts of the spirit – they think that because of excesses in the church that they have a right to write off the fastest growing sector of Christianity – over 800 million in the earth today…

Read the rest of the growling (followed by discerning commentary), here:

Assessing Bill Johnson’s “Eternally God” Declarations Amidst His Other Christological Statements

A hallmark of any true Christian is charity (this is not to say non-Christians cannot be charitable, of course). Christians will give their money and time with no expectation of return. Rightly, this generosity should extend to giving another the benefit of the doubt if a given statement or statements are not exactly clear. Everyone makes a ‘slip of the tongue’ or a ‘slip of the pen’, right?

But, on the other hand, when a teacher consistently makes statements that run counter to Christian orthodoxy, there is a need to address this issue forthrightly. When these statements are in the public realm via books, online sermons, video/audio, et cetera, these should be addressed publicly.

Read the rest here:

Assessing Bill Johnson’s “Eternally God” Declarations Amidst His Other Christological Statements