keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

dead raised

One More False Teacher at ‘One Thing’

IHOP announces their replacement for Joyce Meyer:

We are thrilled to announce that Reinhard Bonnke will be joining us for Onething 2014!

Reinhard Bonnke is known as one of the most powerful evangelists of all time. Hundreds of thousands of people attend his gospel crusades in Africa; in the last ten years, over 53 million people have committed their lives to Jesus in his meetings. Miracles and signs and wonders of all kinds follow Reinhard’s preaching.(Source)

The false teachings of Bonnke are documented at these links:

When the angel shows up you don’t even get preachin’ sometimes.

“When the angel shows up you don’t even get preachin’ sometimes.” –Todd Bentley

TRANSLATED: When the wolf shows up, the sheep don’t even get fed sometimes.

Morning Star Outpouring

It’s so hard to watch as these sheep are being deceived. How can the watchmen remain silent? Todd Bentley may claim to be restored and ready to restart his so called ministry, but is he bearing new fruit? It seems he is still focused on the angel. But which of his old angels is Mr. Bentley talking about? Is it the angel of restoration, or just “THE” angel? How about the angel that cut him open on the operating table? Maybe the angel that burned his hotel room down? Or is it Emma, the angel that mysteriously changed overnight from “she” to “he”? Or is it just the generic angels, angels, angels that he called down at Lakeland? There are so many, who can keep track?

Who can forget these angels…

Todd-Bentley says we must believe in “THE” angel?

Todd Bentley’s “Emma” the Angel

Todd Bentley Encounters With Angels[Classic]

Bentley’s personal angel Emma

The question that some people have asked is whether these are angels or demons…

Angels or Demons?
Todd Bentley and “The Beautiful Side of Evil”

Also in the Morning Star Outpouring video, Mr. Bentley says:

“You know, I saw the Lord one time take a child that was about 14 , born in a total vegetable state, like I mean, I mean, no brain, just brain dead, and the child grew a brain, started walking, talking, I mean, absolutely everything, we got doctors, uh…everything, I mean it was just an absolute miracle…”

Then he finishes with “boom” and a creative miracle to be released on a young boy after praying for him to have a new brain, new brain, new brain. He then turns quickly around for the next person to pray for.

No use hovering around waiting for the creative miracle, especially if you start telling stories about new brains while being very, very careful not to say you have actual doctor’s evidence for such creative miracles like new brains (or 13 resurrections) which you don’t have evidence for.

Sound familiar?

Some false teachers/false miracle workers/wolves in sheeps clothing keep forgetting that familiar spirits are not very creative – they just lie and copy and deceive. This is why we are witnessing the same old head shaking, and hearing the same old lines in these circles.

Is there any new fruit coming from the restored Todd Bentley and the so called Morning Star Outpouring? Discerning sheep who are inspecting the fruit say yes, there is lots of fruit, but it’s all BAAAAAAAAAAAD fruit!

Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Matthew 7:20

DANGER! The Wolf Will Be Back – Bigger Than Ever! [2010 UPDATE]

The alert sheep got wind of the danger a few weeks ago, when the wolf pack began howling in the distance, announcing their approach. Now I must climb back up on the wall, even if for a brief moment, and sound the warning to the flock.


Listen to Rick Joyner say that Todd Bentley is gonna be back, bigger than ever, better than ever! He has no doubt of this. Watch it and weep!

Rick Joyner manipulation

Rick Joyner also said this recently at the beginning of his restoration series ‘teaching’ videos. See for yourself by clicking on the video by Rick Joyner called The Restoration Begins Video Update @

If you you are a sensitive sheep and do not have the second or third stomach to watch this video, here are a few quotes that should be alarming enough to make you cough up your cud:

“He will be back.” – Rick Joyner

“He could be out in public ministry again probably, have pretty big crowds again…” –Rick Joyner

(*Note that he says that’s not what the videos are about, of course, they are to ‘help’ people.)

“The one group of people that the Lord had no patience for was the self righteous…” –Rick Joyner

(*Note that these restoration videos are only for the gullible sheeple.)

And what is this video series about?

They say they are going to be telling all the sordid details, weekly…

“We’re gonna really try to tell the story as frankly and as openly as we possibly can, for your sake, not just, you know, to rebuild Todd’s ministry, that will happen. We know that. He will be back. And I believe better than ever, and uh, has an important part to play but we’re doing this for the sake of openness and helping people.” –Rick Joyner

* * * * * *

Do what you want with this warning, but the questions remain…

Will Todd Bentley return with or without his angel? Has Emma left the building? And will there be more creative hoaxes miracles like the ones we have seen in the past? Will the lame grow their leg stumps another inch walk? Will the blind notice light shadows see through glass eye balls healed eyes? Will the dead be raised shouting glory to Todd God? Will old ladies be kicked in the face blessed and ministered to, cancer patients kicked in the gut prayed for?

Tune in weekly to the Morning Star channel for the Bentley/Joyner Soap Opera @

And don’t forget to watch this one:

Rick Joyner – Morningstar Madness

HT: Christian Research Service

Also see:

Rick Joyner Heals and Restores Todd Bentley? from Picking in His Presence

Todd Bentley marries woman he had affair with; Rick Joyner wants you to send Bentley some money from Religion News Blog

Disgraced Todd Bentley Prepares for Return from Slice of Laodicea

Bill Johnson on Wretched Radio with Todd Friel @ YouTube

Fresh Fire Ministries Canada and Global Harvest Centre change their name

Todd Bentley: Claimed but Not Ordained by Bud Press, Director
@ Christian Research Service

****** ****** ******

UPDATE: June 2009



Back On The Sawdust Trail

Todd Bentley is Back…The Podcast

***Did you know that you can…

Invite Todd for a Meeting!




He Who Blogs Not, Blogs Now: Todd Bentley’s Blog:

“Emma” The Angel at the 4 0clock Show :

Todd Bentley Update:

Bentley Boldy Going Forward:


I was about to become a king at Lakeland, says Todd Bentley


Todd Bentley–To get the “double portion” of Oral Roberts’ spirit?

**********UPDATE JANUARY 2010:

Lakeland 2.0. Watch for it.

A convenient place for a “revival”

IHOP and the newest Todd Bentley revival play footsie

Todd Bentley could be assassinated? Yes, really. And it’s your fault.

Bob Jones Says Christians Have Put A Curse On Todd Bentley

Did Todd Bentley Plan This?

Todd Bentley remarries and re-launches
2010 UPDATE from Take Heed Ministries

False prophet Todd Bentley is back at it again

Follow up to the 13th ‘Confirmed’ Resurrection

“NUMBER 13  FROM THE DEAD! We’re gonna confirm it. We gotta confirm it. We’re gonna do a follow up. But I thought I’d read it as I received the testimony.” – Todd Bentley

So here is the follow up to that 13th resurrection:

Todd Bentley and the ’13th Resurrection’
What was the name of that funeral home?
by Bud Press, Director
Christian Research Service

Tracking the similarities between Bentley and Jones

Could Todd Bentley be another Jim Jones? Here is a blog that has some interesting insights on this question:

Todd Bentley Another Jim Jones

Tracking Todd Bentley in Kentucky – nothing has changed

Has Todd Bentley spent his week of R&R in self examination or repentance as some have hoped? Tonight he will be back at Lakeland, but from the sound of his ‘preaching’ last night in Kentucky, nothing has changed.

Todd in Kentucky:

See a small clip of Todd in Kentucky STILL claiming verified resurrections (32=zero) here:

Todd Bentley in Louisville, Kentucky, shows the world how many resurrections there have really been at Lakeland

BUT what about Todd’s “verified” miracles and resurrections. Take some time looking at the following evidence and discover that those “verified” resurrections are not really verified after all:

I Say, Old Chap, This Is Rather Brilliant!

There are lots of Biblical expose’s of Bentley’s teaching in youtube. Here is another:

Todd Bentley and the theology of glory

In the meantime, Patricia King has gotten together with Randy Clark and made a video of her testimony of defense on behalf of her friend Todd Bentley:

WSTK-ITV- Patricia King & Randy Clark on Todd Bentley

BUT how can we take the testimony of Patrica King seriously when, in the following video series, she introduces false teacher Jamie Galloway’s unbiblical teachings on angels (Part 1) and says that she sits at the feet of the new mystic John Crowder (Part 2)?

Doctrines of Demons Part 1

Part 2

As you can see, nothing has changed. In fact, the whole mess may be getting worse. 

Looking back at those “Verified” Resurrections

Remember all those “verified” resurrections? And those promises of glowing CNN and ABC reports (we all know what ABC Nightline said about all those verifications )…

Todd Bentley: Fact or Fiction Part one


“Verified” Lakeland Resurrection from the Dead was a Lie

Revival Drawing Criticism

Here is another new article on the revival:

Revival Drawing Criticism
Associated Press Writer
Published: July 10, 2008

LAKELAND – Todd Bentley believes God acts through him to cure cancer, heal the deaf and raise the dead.

So do hundreds of thousands of people who have visited his raucous revival meeting, now in its third month and broadcast nightly from a huge tent in the middle of Florida.

The 32-year-old Canadian, tattooed to the fingers and neck, puts a palm to the forehead of the sick, desperate and faithful. Bentley yells “Bam!” they collapse and he proclaims them cured. Attendees dance in the aisles, shout to Heaven, laugh, shake violently and cry.

Such revivals aren’t new, but Bentley’s stage show has become a phenomenon in the religious world – for both its pull and the criticism it has attracted – in just a few months…

Read the rest here:

Contagious Florida Fire Spreads to Belfast

Is this how the church is supposed to function? Read how Bobby Sullivan, partner of Todd Bentley, has been helping to spread the contagious Florida outpouring anointing to Belfast, Ireland, where sheep are flocking to be healed.

‘Is this the healing hand of God?’

June 21 2008

FOLLOWING reports of a boy coming back from the dead, News Letter reporter Sam McBride visted the church where, for five weeks, people have been flocking to be healed.

Within minutes of arriving at the Elim Christian Centre in Tigers Bay, the young man beside me is moving his body in a series of bizarre, jerking movements.

On stage, a Canadian man wearing a rugby top is talking into a hand-held microphone before jabbing his finger at the foreheads of two teenage girls who fall over backwards before writhing on the ground.

All the while the congregation is baying for more, arms raised, shouting words of encouragement, their cries of support interspersed with seemingly random bursts of hysterical laughter.

The Canadian on stage is Bobby Sullivan, a close associate of American tele-evangelist Todd Bentley – the man behind the “Florida Outpouring” healing phenomenon….

Read the rest of this two page article here:

Unfortunately, this news reporter shook his head and walked away. This is because hirelings and wolves in sheeps clothing do not care for the sheep, but would rather exploit and devour them.

You may watch Bob Sullivan at Elim Center, one of the Florida Outpouring Overflow Rooms, on video here:

The account of the above church sounds very much like the following youtube video of one such church (of unkown location) that is “under fire” [Warning: you may find this too disturbing to watch] :

How can this be of God when no where in the Bible is God’s healing hand displayed in this manner? This unedifying behaviour is definitely NOT how the body of Christ functions.

23Therefore if the whole church assembles together and all speak in tongues, and ungifted men or unbelievers enter, will they not say that you are mad?

24But if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or an ungifted man enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all;

25the secrets of his heart are disclosed; and so he will fall on his face and worship God, declaring that God is certainly among you.

26What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation Let all things be done for edification.

1 Corinthians 14

Latest Alert on Lakeland

Here is the latest Lakeland Alert posted on Moriel Ministries (

Let Us Reason Ministries Alert On Lakeland
by Mike Oppenheimer

Because a large portion of Pentecostals and Charismatics hold to Latter Rain doctrines and practices it is no surprise another revival has sprung up and is quickly accepted- this time in Lakeland Florida.

Recently meetings have been taking place in Lakeland Florida by a new name breaking forth on the on the Signs and wonders scene: Todd Bentley of “Fresh Fire ministries International: Apostolic Network.” Maybe you have never heard of him but he is fast becoming a “household name” in the church. Bentley is called a Canadian evangelist from Abbotsford, BC, Canada. He and his team have been traveling all over the world holding healing/miracle meetings for years.

Since the beginning of April Bentley has been conducting “healing meetings” in Lakeland at the sanctuary of host pastor Stephen Strader’s Ignited Church. Steven Strader is the son of Karl Strader, former pastor of Carpenter’s Home Church that launched Rodney Howard Browne’s ministry of passing fire and contagious laughter as the anointing. TBN broadcasted its services, and the church was introduced to this kind of preaching and behavior as revival.

In the mid 90’s when the laughter was at its peak through Rodney Howard Browne, my pastor then said that it would die out like all trends or fads. I had studied the Latter Rain movement, since the end of the 80’s it was growing. I identified this as the resurgence of that movement. My response was that it would not fade but continue to grow and spread. Indeed it has, and it is here to stay. The laughter movement has not gone away, it continues abroad, though diminished in contrast to newer manifestations. The movement has had a metamorphosis, going to Toronto, to Brownsville, and now, all the elements that were found in these former revival meetings, and more, are found in Bentleys services at Lakeland.

This why our ministry has spent the last several weeks in an intensive scrutiny of what is taking place, watching the videos which are numerous in number, reading the reports, reading his sermons and looking at the blogs. What is being claimed is staggering, from people being raised from the dead to seeing through glass eyes…

The rest of this alert can be read here:

*Other related articles from Let Us Reason regarding the teachings of this current ‘revival’:

Does the Bible teach that angels visit us? can see them or summon them?

Is there such a thing as a Baptism of fire besides the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

To Heaven and Back

Yesterday someone stopped by and provided a link to the account of Val Thomas, the woman who was clinically dead but came back to life. If this is account is true, and it appears to be so, the glory truly belongs to the Lord, as Val Thomas herself says. However, the Lakeland bunch are seizing the moment and taking credit for it, even though it really has nothing to do with them. Is a generic prayer for a niece-in-law at Lakeland enough fodder for such a claim to fame?

Speaking of the dead being raised, Todd’s voice is now powerful enough to pull a person out of heaven and back to their dead body – during their own funeral. Hear about person #13 (supposedly) raised from the dead, thanks be to the almighty Lakeland anointing and the voice of TODD BENTLEY…

Todd Bentley Video Discussing the Thirteenth “Resurrection” of the Dead at Lakeland Meetings

The arrogance is beyond astounding. The gullibility of the sheep, heartbreaking.

One can only wonder…where is CNN while the dead are being raised?