keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

Archive for June 5, 2008

Keeping track of those Tele-Evangelists who are Fleecing the Flock

This is new from In Plain Site:

Tele-Evangelist Lifestyles

Lifestyles of The Rich and Infamous, Also Called Fleecing The Flock.

“For such people do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and through smooth speech and flattering, they deceive the hearts of the innocent”. Romans 16:18

This page at In Plain Site has tracked the salaries of:

Joel Osteen
Pat Robertson
Joyce Meyer
Creflo Dollar
Juanita Bynum
The Crystal Cathedral
Rodney Howard-Browne
T.D. Jakes
Benny Hinn
Paula And Randy White
Fred Price

…and more…

(Must see: The Meyer Family Compound)

More Wacky Tracks

Listen to the Mike Corley program cover Todd Bentely:

The Heresy of Todd Bentley

so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:29

On this Wild and Wacky installment of MCP, Mike examines the so-called “Lakeland Revival” and the false ministry of Todd Bentley. Thousands are flocking to Lakeland and millions are watching on TV at home and in churches, attracted to these ultra-charismatic, indeed occultic, teachings. Who is Todd Bentley and what does he teach? Why is his ministry heretical?

And here is the latest flying MANTLE sighting…

Todd Bentley releases the Joan of Arc anointing and mantle

And here we have the confusion of the anointing…what is it anyways? Todd does not even know…

Audio – is Bentley confused?

One more wacky thing…how about the latest from Lakeland? It’s a special e-mail address, but you only need reply if you’ve been dead….

Newest at Lakeland

Sheep Walking

Whilst doing some tracking for wolves today I came across some very good sheep tracks here at SamE’s Bible Thoughts:

Lakeland: laying down and walking with God

And here is a very good testimony:

Toronto Pastor Speaks on Deception- a testimony of former Toronto Vineyard Pastor Paul Gowdy