keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

Archive for June 9, 2008

Roaring Revival

The following is the latest article from Moriel Ministries regarding the Lakeland Revival:

Roaring Revival

by Tony Pearce

Distress of nations with perplexity

Jesus said in the last days of this age there would be a situation which he described as the ‘distress of nations with perplexity.’ The word in Greek translated ‘with perplexity’ is ‘aporia’ meaning with no way out. In other words at the end of this age there will be a crisis so severe that there will be no solution to it. In fact bringing this age to an end and starting again will be the only solution from God’s point of view. Things will be so bad that it will be impossible to patch up, repair or recondition the state of the world. This will apply to the physical world as multiple crises combine for the final perfect storm created by human rebellion against God.

It will also apply to the spiritual world as all manner of errors and deception bring people into bondage to evil spirits instead of true faith in God through the Messiah Jesus. Sadly we are seeing more and more error and deception taking over the professing church of Jesus Christ. We have liberal theology questioning more and more of the Bible, especially the Creation, the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of humanity and the hope of the Lord’s return to judge the world in righteousness. We have supposed evangelicals joining hands with Roman Catholicism in ecumenical prayer gatherings and projects to save the world. In doing this the evangelicals have to compromise on the teachings of the scriptures in order to accommodate the errors of Rome.

Now we have God TV broadcasting night after night ‘miraculous revival’ meetings taking place led by Todd Bentley in Lakeland, Florida. The miracles are apparently being done under the power of the ‘anointing’ which causes Todd Bentley to shake backwards as he waves his arms over the audience and shouts ‘Fire, Fire, Fire!’


Read the whole article here:

Backtracking on Emma

It appears that Todd Bentley has gotten into a bit of hot water for talking about Emma too much. Not only has Freshfire removed the name of Emma from their website, Todd has now publicly denied her on stage. Sort of.

Was she an apparition? Or a figment of his imagination?

One site has an interesting thought about the angel Emma – perhaps she is another apparition of Mary:

Whatever the case, Todd Bentley can try to cover up his angels and their tracks all he wants, but angelic visitations are such a major part of his teaching that without these bizarre close encounter/abduction stories, he might not have much left to say.

Todd Bentley Encounters with Angels

A Question of Angels

Related (older news):

PASTOR STRADER SPEAKS: On Todd Bentley, Emma, Revival, etc.

Did Jesus show up at Lakeland lastnight?

Did Jesus show up at Lakeland lastnight?

This was the prophecy:
June 8th prediction by Wendy Alec of God TV as read by Todd Bentley (3 minutes):
(As some sheeple cheer and clap, others looks stunned, as Todd reads the prophecy that Jesus is coming in person…a personal divine visitation in Lakeland, in the clouds in a chariot – but then Todd explains it away. Sort of. What kind of prophecy is this? Did anyone see Jesus in Lakeland lastnight?)

The defenders of Todd Bentley are saying ‘don’t judge him, just pray for him.” Meanwhile, Todd Bentley and friends continue to mock the Lord with false prophecies while the hungry sheep eat every word he gives them.

When Jesus comes every eye WILL see Him. But in the meantime, He has told us this beforehand:

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.
“Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out;
or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. Matthew 24:23-26



Fools for Christ, or just fools?