keeping a watchful eye on the wolves


Christians Dancing with Wolves?

“More and more professing Christians are uniting with wolves in sheep’s clothing. Likewise, wolves and wolverines are joining forces with wolves from different wolf packs. The pack is growing. It’s getting stronger – and they’re cunning! False teachers now play a major role in the Christian community. As I mentioned above, in order to transform society into the kingdom of God on earth, wolves and wolverines must control things, such as entertainment; government; education; business/economy; media; and family – they’re heavily involved in pro-family organizations.”

– Marsha West, The Prosperity Priestess and the pied pieper of IHOP

Some of the names referred to in the above article include . . . Joyce Meyer, Mike Bickle, IHOP, Kansas City Prophets, and Francis Chan. Read it here:

False Prophet Jones Dies

NAR Prophet Bob Jones Dies

Bob Jones, a prominent prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation movement, died Friday, February 14.

Jones’ prophetic words, given over four decades, influenced many leaders in the New Apostolic Reformation movement, including Mike Bickle, founder of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, Missouri. Bickle details Jones’ influence on the history of IHOP in a video posted on the IHOP web site.

In the video, Bickle refers to Jones as “a very important prophetic man, at least in my life, and in the early days of this movement.” Bickle describes how Jones prophesied to him, in 1983, that God was going to raise up worldwide a young adult prayer movement led by prophetic singers and musicians in Kansas City. Jones claimed to have had 100 “open visions” giving him revelation about this movement.

Though Bickle was, at first, skeptical of Jones–and even wondered if Jones was a false prophet–he became convinced that Jones was a true prophet when Jones accurately predicted a snowfall on March 21, 1983, after several weeks of unseasonably warm weather…

More here:

Sheep invited to Banquet

Chuck Pierce Invites Christians To “The Banqueting Table”
by Sandy Simpson, 12/17/13

Chuck Pierce, the new head false apostle of the New Apostolic Reformation, formerly under false apostle C. Peter Wagner, has just announced on the ElijahList that he wants to “invite each of you to COME TO THE BANQUETING TABLE on January 2-5, 2014 at the Global Spheres Center in Corinth, Texas!” This is a call for people to sign up for yet another conference of false apostles and false prophets, but the ad sounds like he is inviting people to the “Marriage Supper Of The Lamb”. You may find that idea absurd until you listen to these people “declaring” things “from the heavenlies”. In another December 16, 2013 issue of ElijahList Pierce states that they are going to “Rend the Heavens and Let Prophetic Revelation Fall!” These people are so deluded that they think they are in the place of God.

More here:

Field of Dreams

It’s All About Eschatology!

Cindy Jacobs false prophetess and false apostle Lou Engle, tasked by Peter Wagner to lead the apostles and prophets in the USA, are joining the volunteer choir to “take America back” from the forces of evil and returning America to its Christian roots. The latest Engle The Call rally 11-11-11 (note the occult numerology — many other NAR events are also scheduled this same day) is scheduled in Detroit at Ford Field. Their advertisement reads “thousands will gather at Ford Field daring to believe American could turn back to God.” Speakers for a “Mobilization Gathering” to get things off the ground, according to the Transformation Michigan website (pulled, but e-mailed 7/28/11) included Rick Joyner, Barbarba Yoder, Francis Frangipane, Rick Pino and other leaders. Controversy is already swirling around this upcoming 11-11-11 Lou Engle event….

More here:

Field of Dreams
Dominion Eschatology

Autobiography of a NAR-wolf

Wrestling with Alligators, Prophets and Theologians: Lessons from a Lifetime in the Church – A Memoir is the autobiography of C. Peter Wagner, the head apostle of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).
– An analysis, by Jackie Alnor (Apostasy Alert)

What strikes the reader is that Wagner’s memoirs show an evolution of theology that adapts itself to whatever trends invade the church. What Wagner boasts as being “paradigm shifts” in his spirituality actually demonstrate his lack of any biblical moorings. He tries to convince the reader of his academic prowess, while exposing his spiritual shallowness.

The book gives the reader insights into what makes this so-called apostle tick. Wagner seems quite honest in his self-assessment and does not seem to mind exposing his humanistic attitude towards all things religious. What is very much lacking in this book is any Christian testimony of the greatness of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and knowing Him as his personal Savior. It is more an overview of what he calls his “career” in church growth, academics and influence upon others.

Read more here:


The Dominion Mandate

Whose Global Kingdom Come?

Tracking Roots and Fruits

Tracking the roots and fruits of the NAR-wolves…

The Roots and Fruits of the New Apostolic Reformation
by Bob DeWaay


The Problems with Personal Words From God
How People Become False Prophets to Themselves