keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

astral projection

Warning – Bill Johnson and Bethel Church

Warning – Bill Johnson and Bethel Church

by Andrew Strom
January 23, 2013

I am really hoping to make this the last of this type of article for awhile. Some people think I “love” putting out this stuff. But I honestly wish it would all go away, so we could get on with the ‘real’ work of building the kingdom.

However, Bill Johnson is doing such damage to the Body of Christ around the world that I simply cannot stay silent. In New Zealand (where I am currently) he holds a huge Conference once a year called “Manifest Presence”. This is amost certainly the biggest and most influential Christian conference in the whole country. And likewise in other nations, such as UK, Australia, Singapore, and many others. His influence is enormous.

Bill Johnson is a very charming man…

You may read more by clicking HERE.

Also see:

The Gospel According to Bill Johnson
By James Smith – Sheffield UK
[Part 1 of a three part series]

John Crowder, the new comic book hero of mysticism

Here is an update on John Crowders latest antics, from Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church:

Just when I thought I had seen it all from Todd Bentley and friends, here is the latest DVD series from John Crowder…Supernatural phenomena discussed on this teaching set include:

Levitation miracles
Translation & Transportation
Talking with Animals
Nature Miracles
Body Elongation
Shape Shifting

What next? Read about it here:

John Crowder, the new comic book hero of mysticism


See documentary on false prophet and wolf John Crowder by clicking HERE.

A Wolf with Gold in his Nose?

Sparkling with the usual fake gold, for the first time ever the glittering Joshua Mills gets gold in his nose

“I’ve never had gold in my no…eleven years, I’ve never had gold in my nose. I can feel it, it’s coming in my nose!”

Joshua Mills of New Wine International is described on his website as:

An anointed Minister of the Gospel, Recording Artist, Keynote Conference Speaker and Author, Joshua Mills worships and preaches by standing within the cloud and ministering directly from the glory unto the people. He has written well over 600 songs and is known for his ability to lead people into spontaneous worship. During his services signs and wonders are commonplace with manifestations of supernatural oil and gold dust, creative healings, supernatural weight-loss, financial miracles, Angelic visitation and heavenly encounters. (

Not only is Joshua Mills often covered in oil and ‘gold’ dust in his meetings, God sometimes miraculously whitens or recreates gold teeth in the mouths of those attending! After you’ve been deceived, Mills would also like you to become a gold, silver, platinum or diamond partner (for only $1000/month).

And now, on the heels of the Royal visit, gold digger Joshua Mills is coming to Canada. This month he will be at the Kingdom Culture Conference (Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 7-9,, Eagle Worldwide Retreat & Revival Centre (Hamilton, Ontario, July 11-12,, the School of the Supernatural (Ottawa, Ontario, July 21-23), and River of God’s Love Family Campmeeting Conference (Red Deer, Alberta, July 25-26,

Warn the flock. This is nothing but fools gold.

To watch Joshua Mills preach the false gospel of gold teeth and astral travel, watch here.

Some logic for sheep to think about:

If the gem stones and the gold that appear and descend upon Joshua Mills (and now in his nose) are authentic, why would he need your money?


Charismatic Gold Phenomena

About those visits to heaven

Bob DeWaay of Critical Issues Commentary takes a look at the experiences that Jones, Bentley, and King promote to see if they are biblically based.

Todd Bentley, Bob Jones, and Patricia King Practice Astral Projection
By Bob DeWaay

Read more Bob DeWaay articles here.

An Evaluation of Todd Bentley from Lamb and Lion Ministries

The featured question on the Lamb & Lion Ministries website is this:

Is Todd Bentley of the Florida Outpouring a false prophet?

Here is the answer:

An Evaluation of the “Florida Healing Outpouring”
by Dr. David R. Reagan

Tracking the similarities between Bentley and Jones

Could Todd Bentley be another Jim Jones? Here is a blog that has some interesting insights on this question:

Todd Bentley Another Jim Jones

Tracking Todd Bentley in Kentucky – nothing has changed

Has Todd Bentley spent his week of R&R in self examination or repentance as some have hoped? Tonight he will be back at Lakeland, but from the sound of his ‘preaching’ last night in Kentucky, nothing has changed.

Todd in Kentucky:

See a small clip of Todd in Kentucky STILL claiming verified resurrections (32=zero) here:

Todd Bentley in Louisville, Kentucky, shows the world how many resurrections there have really been at Lakeland

BUT what about Todd’s “verified” miracles and resurrections. Take some time looking at the following evidence and discover that those “verified” resurrections are not really verified after all:

I Say, Old Chap, This Is Rather Brilliant!

There are lots of Biblical expose’s of Bentley’s teaching in youtube. Here is another:

Todd Bentley and the theology of glory

In the meantime, Patricia King has gotten together with Randy Clark and made a video of her testimony of defense on behalf of her friend Todd Bentley:

WSTK-ITV- Patricia King & Randy Clark on Todd Bentley

BUT how can we take the testimony of Patrica King seriously when, in the following video series, she introduces false teacher Jamie Galloway’s unbiblical teachings on angels (Part 1) and says that she sits at the feet of the new mystic John Crowder (Part 2)?

Doctrines of Demons Part 1

Part 2

As you can see, nothing has changed. In fact, the whole mess may be getting worse. 

Stacy on Ecsatasy

There is a fascinating (and very disturbing) teaching by Stacy Campbell on Ecstatic Prophecy and Holy Spirit Possession that can be watched here:

SHATTER! Stacy Campbell – Holy Spirit Possession

Make sure you click on the 7 minute SHATTER! video on the left if you want to watch it. At 3 minutes into her teaching Stacy describes a Buddhist festival in Thailand where people (Buddhists) who wanted to worship would cross this little line, and when they walked into the middle of this square they were hit by an evil spirit and demon possessed on the spot – vibrating, falling towards the altar, giving an offering to the demon. This gave Stacy the ‘heeby jeebies.’
This is ASTOUNDING because there is a video you can watch of Todd Bentley where he instructs the people coming up on stage to stand in a certain spot which he points to where the anointing is the strongest. If they stood there, said Todd, they would ‘get it.’ This spot was close to the pulpit where he said there was a ‘portal’ of some sort. Sure enough, who ever stood there would get struck, start jerking, and fall over. IS THIS ANY DIFFERENT THAN WHAT STACY CAMPBELL DESCRIBED AS DEMONIC POSSESSION?

Here is the youtube video from the Florida outpouring (May 17th) where you can observe this phenomena (warning, please do NOT play this around children):

Drunk in God’s spirit
(the audio on this one is not very good, crank up the volume)

At 2 minutes, you will see a woman named Shannon standing in the anointing. Hear Todd saying that anybody that steps into it, gets it! At 2:55 the most evil laugh you have ever heard comes out of Todd. “Sometimes the angels get involved,” says Todd. (The angels who are involved in this are not the kind that everyone thinks.)

Back to the Holy Spirit Possession video of Stacey Campbell – using Vine’s dictionary and Bible verses to sound very biblical as she describes her version of ecsatasy, she teaches that biblical Holy Spirit possession and ecstatic prophecy means to be ‘standing outside of,’ in a trance, in a condition in which ordinary consciousness is suspended, a spiritual state where natural sense are suspended (as in Todd Bentley astral travelling to England?). But it is more than just floating in suspension – it is FRENZY, she says, not peaceful. Is this what the Bible teaches about life in the Spirit?

See what Stacy Campbell’s version of ecstatic prophecy looks like here:
Ecsatatic Prophecy Stacey Campbell ( 1:38 )

And who can forget her ecstatic head shaking prophecy over Todd Bentley last week? Does this sound or look like peace and self control, which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit?

There is something else very telling that Stacy Campbell mentions in her Holy Spirit Possession teaching – she talks about Evelyn Underhill at about 4:22. This is no small matter. Evelyn Underhill was a mystic who had occultic connections…

The Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society headed by A.E.Waite, best known for the Waite Tarot Deck. Its members variously included poet W.B. Yeats (known for his poem, “The Second Coming”) and Evelyn Underhill, author of Mysticism.
-The Inklings (

Evelyn Underhill believed that mysticism was the highest form of human consciousness and defined Mysticism as ‘the art of union with reality.’ It is not surprising to see those in “Holy Spirit movements” quoting the mystics. As Alan Morrison writes, there is a connection between the two:

There has been a very interesting parallel between the development of mysticism in the professing Christian Church and the flourishing of Holy Spirit Movements throughout Church History.

While it is true to say that there is not an exact parallel between classical mysticism and specifically charismatic movements — in the sense that all mystics have not necessarily exhibited the charismata — there are many startling congruences which are worthy of exposure.

Pentecostalism and the Charismatic Movements are in so many ways a manifestation of the mysticism which has been developed in the Roman Catholic Church…


… the mystic monk Thomas Merton, who has done so much to develop the Interfaith Movement, could say — as reported in an article on renewal in the New Catholic Encyclopedia — ‘Pentecostalism seems to sum up the spirituality most likely to work in the U.S. now’. And in one of the Supplements to that same Encyclopedia, it is reported that there are three ways to Spiritual Perfection: 1) The Charismatic Way; 2) The Eastern Mystical Way; 3) The traditional Catholic Mystical Way (e.g. the Cloud of Unknowing).

By Alan Morrison

When you hear that people in the signs and wonders/prophetic/charismatic movement have been studying and quoting from mystics who experienced ecstasy and strange experiences, look out!

Another one in this category who teaches in the ecstatic realm is Patricia King and her Ekstasis Worship. There was also a Spanish mystic from the past who experienced ecstasy – Saint Teresa Avila (1515-1582). Many Christians being drawn into contemplative spirituality in churches today are reading her classic writings on the Seven Mansions of the Interior Castle . Some say these are related to the Seven Chakras.

This is a serious matter. These ladies seem to draw a big audience, and appear quite angelic and sweet looking from afar, but so do (she)wolves in sheeps (ewe’s) clothing. I saw Stacy Campbell on a Christian TV program once when she was much younger and never thought that she would end up so far off the mark. Somewhere in her walk she stepped over the line and had her first taste of spiritual ecstasy and got addicted. Was it by studying the mystics? Now she is handing this toxic spiritual drug out to others. (Does that makes her an ecstasy dealer?) Has Stacy Campbell, in the name of the Holy Spirit, given herself over to the very thing that gave her the heeby jeebies watching in Thailand? What is this strange manifestation we see when in Lakeland as people are told by Todd Bentley to step over a line into a portal zone and shake and vibrate? What is this we see as Stacy Campbell prophesies over Todd Bentley in the name of Jesus – is this Holy Spirit possession, as she says? Or is this demon possession? Is this Holy Spirit revival in Florida about worshipping Jesus, or is it really about ecstatic frenzied demon worship in disguise?

It’s really time to wake up, sheep, and draw that line in the sand. And then, stay far away from “it”!!!


Stacey Campbell – Who is this stone?

Stacey Campbell and her “Wind Illness” the Kundalini Syndrome

More Odd Bentley and Friends

Discerning Christians are becoming more alarmed about Todd Bentley and friends…

Angels or Demons?
Todd Bentley and “The Beautiful Side of Evil”

By Berit Kjos – June 26, 2008

Bob Jones – a tail of a prophet

TruNews Interview of Pat Holiday
Topic: Odd Bentley and the occult revival

Is Todd Bentley walking in the footsteps of mystics and seers?

Is Todd Bentley actually receiving revelations from God, or is there something more to his visions of angels and messages from heaven? For example, what about his vision of Sadhu Sundar Singh? Read the following and decide if these things are biblical.

To begin with, does this vision line up with what the Bible teaches?

The soul of a German philosopher entered into the world of spirits and saw from afar the incomparable glory of the spiritual world, and the boundless happiness of its people. He was delighted with what he saw, but his stubborn intellectualism stood in the way of his entering into it, and enjoying its happiness. Instead of admitting that it was real, he argued thus with himself, “There is no doubt at all that I see all this, but what proof is there that it has objective existence, and is not some illusion conjured up by my mind? From end to end of all this scene I will apply the tests of logic, philosophy and science, and then only will I be convinced that it has a reality of its own, and is no illusion.” Then the angels answered him, “It is evident from your speech that your intellectualism has warped your whole nature, for as spiritual, and not bodily, eyes are needed to see the spiritual world, so spiritual understanding is necessary to comprehend its reality, and not mental exercises in the fundamentals of logic and philosophy. Your science that deals with material facts has been left behind with your physical skull and brain in the World. Here, only that spiritual wisdom is of use which arises out of the fear and love of God.” Then said one of the angels to another, “What a pity it is that people forget that precious word of our Lord, ‘Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdom of Heaven’ (Matt. 18:3). I asked one of the angels what the end of this man would be, and he replied “If this man’s life had been altogether bad, then he would at once have joined the spirits of darkness, but he is not without a moral sense, so for a very long time he will wander blindly round in the dim light of the lower parts of the intermediate state, and keep on bumping his philosophical head, until tired of his foolishness, he repents. Then he will be ready to receive the necessary instruction from the angels appointed for that purpose, and, when instructed, will he be fit to enter into the fuller light of God in the higher sphere.”
The Visions of Sadhu Sundar Singh of India

This is what the Bible says about second chances for salvation after death:

“And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” Hebrews 9:27

Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Obviously, the above account does not line up with the Bible, therefore, it would be classified as a false teaching from lying spirits. This vision was one of many experienced by Sadhu Sundar Singh (1889-1929). Many people today say that he was a fine Christian, and take great offense that anyone should criticize Todd Bentley’s vision of Sadhu Sundar Singh, whose contemplative steps of prayer he practices.

Strangely enough, Sundar Singh’s visions of wandering souls in the spirit world and heavenly spheres also included contact with a dead mystic and seer named Emanuel Swedenborg:

“I saw him several times some years ago, but I did not know his earthly name. His name in the spiritual world is quite different just according to his high position or office and most beautiful character.”[7]

Sharpe also refers back to Singh’s endorsement of Swedenborg as recorded by Appasamy:

“Swedenborg was a great man, philosopher, scientist and, above all seer of clear visions. I often speak with him in my visions. He occupies a high place in the spiritual world … Having read his books and having come into contact with him in the spiritual world, I can thoroughly recommend him as a great seer.”[8]

Sundar Singh’s correspondence with the Swedish Lutheran bishop Nathan Soderblom in November 1928 further confirms that he claimed visionary contact with Swedenborg.

For western evangelical Christians, Swedenborg has long been regarded as an unorthodox teacher. Some, such as the Christian apologist Walter Martin, have classified Swedenborg and his followers among the cults.[9] In light of the evangelical rejection of Swedenborg’s theology, the omission of Sundar Singh’s endorsement of Swedenborg’s teachings from evangelical biographies is very significant. The difficulty for evangelicals is compounded by Singh’s confirmation of contact with Swedenborg in the spirit world. This visionary form of contact with an unorthodox deceased teacher clashes with the portraits of piety drawn by later evangelical biographers such as Cyril Davey and Phyllis Thompson.

Who exactly was this man who Sundar Singh contacted in the spirit world?

Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was a Swedish scientist, philosopher, Christian mystic, and theologian. Swedenborg had a prolific career as an inventor and scientist. At the age of fifty-six he entered into a spiritual phase, in which he experienced dreams and visions. This culminated in a spiritual awakening, where he claimed he was appointed by the Lord to write a heavenly doctrine to reform Christianity. He claimed that the Lord had opened his eyes, so that from then on he could freely visit heaven and hell, and talk with angels, demons, and other spirits. For the remaining 28 years of his life, he wrote and published 18 theological works, of which the best known was Heaven and Hell (1758),[4] and several unpublished theological works. –wikipedia

Not only was Swedenborg a seer and a medium, he was also one of the forerunners to modern spiritualism. Swedenborg believed that he was the only one able to shed light on the true meaning of the Bible, with the help of Angels. This is who Sundar Singh had contact with in the spirit world. Remember this as you read the following…

Let us now get on the fast forward track to June 19, 2006, where Todd Bentley wrote the following…


…I saw in a vision, the Glory Cloud of Revelation descending upon the church. It was also during this time of prayer that God took me in a vision to what I believed to be the Himalayan Mountains. I saw an Indian man with a turban on his head and heard the whisper of the Spirit say, “This is Sundar Singh. I am releasing anointing of revelation like this.” I had no communication with this old saint, nor did he say anything to me. The experience lasted only a moment…


Sundar Singh spent at least two hours daily in reading the Scriptures, meditation and prayer. He would arise at 5:00 am and finish by 7:00 or 8:00 depending on what his schedule was for the day. He often spent the whole day or night in prayer. His discipline was to read one chapter of the Bible, rapidly at first reading, then to return to reread passages or verses that were more suggestive to him. These he would linger with and meditate on for as long as it was fruitful for him to do so. Next, he would enter into a period of “recollection” for twenty minutes or so. This was a time of silence, in which he would allow the Lord to speak to him in some way. With his own mind and heart quieted, he opened his mind and his heart to hear what the Lord would have to say to him or just simply enjoy companionship with his Lord. Often this period of silence would extend into a deeper state called “contemplation” in which he enjoyed complete rest and refreshment in the love of God.

Often during times of contemplation, he entered into experiences of ecstasy. He regarded these experiences as the same as St. Paul’s entrance into the “third heaven”. During his latter years, they occurred frequently, as often as ten times a month. About these experiences he said, “I never try to go into ecstasy; nor do I advise others to try. It is a gift to be accepted, but it should not be sought; if given, it is a pearl of great price.”

Anyone who contemplates the heavenly calling of the apostle Paul and his being caught up into the third heaven, and again into Paradise, will lift up his voice to God and say: Glory to God who surely gives great gifts to men!


This key is one of the most important tools if we are to see an increase of wisdom and revelation in our lives. In the western Christian tradition, meditation refers to thinking about or the use of the imagination around a passage of scripture, whereas, in India, traditional meditation refers to silencing one’s thoughts. The Christian tradition practices the silencing of thoughts and emotions, but it is called “contemplation” rather than “meditation”. This is one of those unfortunate twists of semantics, which has caused confusion when discussing the spirituality of East and West.

Sundar Singh practiced a sequence of prayer discipline that is identical to ancient Christian monastic disciplines: reading the scriptures, meditation on a passage of the reading (also called response of the mind and heart), recollection, and rest. This sequence is also called lectio divina in Latin. It means divine reading, or more precisely, divine listening, since few people in that day could actually read. When ordinary Christians attended church to hear the Scriptures read aloud, they’d memorize a passage or a verse, and ponder it for a week.

These are the four R’s of lectio divina or Christian devotional life:

1.Reading (hearing) the Word.
2.Responding to the Word with mind and heart.
3.Recollecting oneself with an open mind and open heart to God’s will, and
4.Resting in His Presence.

Christianity is a way of life, not a hobby, or a pastime. As such, we must treat it as serious business. Reflecting on God and His way should not be taken lightly. We must modify our schedules and make the time to meditate, contemplate, and reflect on His word.

Find a quiet place, away from noise or distractions. Isaac went out to meditate in the field in the evening (Genesis 24:63). King David lay on his bed to meditate: “When I remember You upon my bed, and meditate on You in the night watches (Ps. 63:6).

The entire article by Todd Bentley can be read here:

*Note: If the Freshfire link becomes no longer available there is something similar here:

After seeing this vision of Sundar Singh, Todd Bentley borrowed his practices of meditation, contemplation, and being still, as revealed in his teaching on Soaking:

“I learned from the lives of Brother Lawrence and Sundar Sing (the famous Hindu mystic who radically converted to Christianity a hundred years ago), as God began to birth my ministry into power. At the end of three months of waiting, basking, bathing, marinating, just beeeeeeeing in His presence I had a visitation of the Lord Himself. He stood behind me and every time I turned around to look at Him He would be behind me. I heard the Lord speak to me in an audible voice as a man speaks to a man.”

Not only has Todd Bentley been meditating, soaking and having visions and contact with angels and the spirit world (as Singh and Swedenborg did), he has also been teaching these methods to others, as recently as this past January 14th – 17th at Freshfire’s Secret Place Conference in his home town of Abbotsford, B.C., Canada, where he shared teaching time with Heidi Baker, Rodney Howard-Browne:

Wednesday night: Todd Bentley taught on contemplative prayer and learning to silence your thoughts. He outlined the four prayer steps practiced by Sundar Singh, an Indian prophet who had a visitation from Jesus. The steps include: 1. Read a whole chapter, 2. Meditate on the passage that most spoke to you, 3. Recollect with an open mind and heart as the Holy Spirit reveals the scripture to you, then 4. Rest and restoration in His presence while the Spirit imparts revelation or takes you into the heavens. As we make ourselves available to the Lord, said Todd, it is amazing where we will go with Him.
– The Secret Place 2 Conference

Isn’t it becoming quite obvious by now that Todd Bentley walks in the footsteps of mystics and seers who had contact with the spirit world? Is it any wonder he has similar supernatural experiences and angelic encounters? This is extremely important to understand. If you are a sheep who is following Todd Bentley and seeking after the supernatural realm, please take heed. This in NOT the path that the Good Shepherd leads His sheep on. Run to Him while there is still time!

5 Thus says the LORD concerning the prophets
Who make my people stray;
Who chant “Peace”
While they chew with their teeth,
But who prepare war against him
Who puts nothing into their mouths:
6 “ Therefore you shall have night without vision,
And you shall have darkness without divination;
The sun shall go down on the prophets,
And the day shall be dark for them.
7 So the seers shall be ashamed,
And the diviners abashed;
Indeed they shall all cover their lips;
For there is no answer from God.”

Micah 3:5-7

Essential reading:

Tarot, Carl Jung, Swedenborg, Blake & Freemasons

Sadhu Sundar Singh – Hindu Mystic in Sheeps Clothing

Todd Bentley Responds to Criticism

Wolf Tracks would like to draw attention to the recent response by Todd Bentley to his followers regarding the widespread criticism of his teachings and the fruit of the Florida outpouring. This will be of interest to all who have been following the revival trail and the supposed appearing (and disappearing) of certain angels.

The following are just a few choice excerpts…

Bringing Biblical Light to Your Questions about the Lakeland Outpouring & Todd Bentley

by Todd Bentley
June 8, 2008

“… if I say that I had a vision of an angel, or encountered one or even spoke with one, but you haven’t doctrinally or experientially, come to terms with the reality of angels being in our midst, then you may not attribute it as valid. You may even tag me as someone who worships angels, seeks them for counsel, ministers under the power of, or misrepresents them in some way. In the case of the angel called “Emma,” who I described as having mother-like nurturing qualities, some have automatically assumed that my doctrine is that I believe in female angels. This has never been the case! For whatever reason God chose to show me this angel in a female persona, He did. This isn’t to say that the angel was female. Angels are spirit and appear in many forms. Perhaps that’s the form God chose this angel to take for the purpose of the revelation He gave me. They are spirit beings of light, created out of God’s glory, without gender, and appear in whatever form God chooses to send them to us.”


“…I asked my staff to remove from our website, articles that are causing such strife and division and deterring the Body from the very real and pressing focus of these last days. Jesus wept when people missed the purpose. Every blessing flowed and people received, but they missed the purpose. Don’t miss the purpose!

Again I emphasize, it’s good and right to search out the Truth and to discern the spirits, God expects us to do so. Nevertheless, it’s also important to do so outside of one’s comfortable box, not mistaking discomfort for discernment, and realizing that God is not only a God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, but also a God of new things. Realize also, that if you spend time in His presence, in fellowship with Him, and if daily, you put on the full armor of God and spend time in His Word; you’ll be more comfortable erring on the side of extravagance rather than quench the Spirit. A body of believers without the Holy Spirit is a breathless, lifeless body.”


Read the entire response at the above link.

It may be important to note that the article ends with a reference that appears to bring weight and authority to Todd Bentley’s ministry. This hearty endorsement of the revival is from Dr. Gary S. Greig, PhD., a former Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Regent University School of Divinity, and Senior Editor, Theology and Acquisitions for the Regal Publishing Group. He is an instructor for Vanguard Ministries, president of Kingdom Training Network and has also served under Dr. Peter C. Wagner.

NOTE: This may be a side trail, but it’s an important one. Dr. Gary Greig is the spiritual advisor of Mark Virkler (as claimed here: Virkler teaches that you can hear the voice of God, guaranteed, through 4 steps of meditation and journaling.

Watch this youtube of Mark Virkler practicing automatic writing/channeling here:
How to hear God’s Voice guaranteed by Mark Virkler
The Arnott’s (TACF) say they have been profoundly impacted by Mark Virkler’s teaching.

See the on-line book written by Greig, Virkler, and Frank Gaydos here:
How to Release God’s Healing Through Prayer

Update: There are some related comments on this subject here:

Lying Spirit Manifests Again Through Todd Bentley About Angel Emma

On the Highway to Heaven

Can we beam up to heaven any time we want for a visit? Todd Bentley says he can.

This is the newest article from Let Us Reason that examines the claims of Todd Bentley and his frequent visits to the third heaven:

An Open Heaven – Todd Bentley’s Highway to Heaven

CBN following the Florida outpouring – but ignoring the trail of rotten fruit

Not only is CBN still favourably reporting on the Florida outpouring and Todd Bentley, they are now quoting Patricia King (Extreme Prophetic) and Randy Clark (of Toronto Blessing roots):

Lakeland Outpouring Coming to Your City?
By Paul Strand
CBN News Washington Sr. Correspondent
June 2, 2008

They also have some exclusive interviews…

…with Todd Bentley here:

…and with Patricia King here:

They are even linking to Extreme Prophetic, Global Awakening (Randy Clark), Ignited Church, Fresh Fire Ministries, and God TV.

Does CBN know about the rotten fruit left behind on the laughing revival trail that Randy Clark was a part of? Do they know about the supernatural conversation that Patricia King and Todd Bentley had with Bob Jones about their out of body/astral projection experiences into the third heaven together and the vanilla smell of the anointing?

Whether knowingly or unknowingly, as they promote Clark, King and Bentley and their ministries, it’s sad to see that CBN is condoning and spreading this growing deception.


Tracing the trail of the Revival
Laughter/Toronto/ Pensacola/_____ /_____?

The Vineyard Movement’s ‘Toronto Blessing’

Todd Bentley tracks lead straight to the Contemplative New Age Spa

Todd Bentley says that the secret to living a prosperous, abundant life in ministry and business is “The Open heavens” – living and ministering under a heaven that’s open above and beneath our feet and lives. It should be of great interest and concern to those following the Florida revival that the following description of how to live under the Open Heaven by Todd Bentley is no different than contemplative mysticism or New Age practices.

The following quotes are excerpts from An Open Heaven by Todd Bentley (found at [Titles in bold lettering and other bold emphasis added by Wolf Tracks.]

***Todd Bentley Practices the secret of the Awareness – Contemplation and Being Still 4-12 hours a day:

Several years ago, many of you already have heard my testimony as shared in our 3 tape series “The Secret Place” a must for those who you hungering for what I am about to share in these first two paragraphs of how I had a holy visitation from the Holy Spirit. As a result, at different times during the span of about three months. I would be laid out (slain in the spirit) or as I would rather put it. I was so overwhelmed with God’s manifest presence like a thick honey cloud. I could do nothing most days but “BE Still” or “Wait on the Lord” I was blessed from heaven with such an awareness of His divine presence I was forced to the floor and would simply lie in His glory. I call it forced by the weight of His glory into a place of contemplation, times of solitude or just sitting at His feet like Mary. For four to twelve hours a day, I would simply gaze at the Lord’s beauty or as Paul describes in Heb 12:2, “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith,” the word “looking” is translated to Gaze or stargazer.

***Todd Bentley Practices the Presence of God and the Secrets of Brother Lawrence through contemplative meditation and soaking prayer, Results in visitation by Spirit Guide and Altered State of Silence:

During these extended times of soaking I would receive at times, numerous kinds of visions, dreams, prophetic experiences and visitations of angels sometimes. I often refer to that time in my life as my “soaking season”. God taught me how to dwell and abide in the secret place of His presence (Ps 91:1) I came to understand the power of stillness, quietness, basking, bathing and drinking in His love. I was in a place of surrender and meditation in His presence. I understood here some of the secrets of Brother Lawrence’s life and practicing the presence of God. This is better known today as the silent prayer of the heart or meditation and contemplation.

It was after that soaking season that God called me out into full-time ministry. I received a divine visitation of the Lord. It was as if a person walked in to the room and stood behind me. I could feel His presence over me and heard distinctly, the audible voice of the Lord. I was told exactly how I would be called out and prophesied over in a meeting that evening, deeming that time as my commissioning for ministry and shown in open vision numerous events in the meeting that night as a sign. You could say it happened overnight. In fact that night, that the intensity of the soaking season and times of almost daily revelation ended, though I still continue to live a lifestyle of soaking.

***Todd Bentley Practices The Silence and Stillness of Listening (Contemplative) Prayer and Meditation to induce revelations, experiences and visions:

… I would soak or wait on the Lord in absolute stillness. Day after day I positioned myself in stillness and quietness, listening prayer and meditation on the Lord’s presence. I learned to quiet my mind of all business and when my mind did wander I would simply refocus on thinking about Jesus. After some time I began to receive visions and different prophetic experiences sometimes several times a day and many times everyday. I simply began to expect it when I came into the Lord’s presence. Did I pray and worship or do any other kind of prayer? Yes! but when I began to feel the Lord’s glory. I would simply lie on the floor and just “be there” in the presence, focused on Him in quietness and total surrender. After weeks of practicing this kind of silent prayer I noticed much more increase of revelation. The more I wait the more I receive. I wait as much as I can now. It is a lifestyle, sometimes 1-3 hours a day of quiet prayer and soaking.

***Todd Bentley practices visualization:

I believe that it is important in receiving an increase of revelation and seeing into the spirit to exercise our spiritual eyes. …What are the eyes of your understanding? In the Greek understanding is translated the mind and imagination. Let’s learn to set our mind on things above and seek those things above including that we might see in the spirit. One way we can exercise our spiritual eyes is to look not at the things, which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. I encourage you to take every time God has been seen in the scripture and described by the prophets in heavenly glory and read it. We need to get a glimpse in our spirit of what the heavens look like. We need to have a vision of Jesus describe in heavenly glory.

***Todd Bentley practices mantra repetition and meditation to induce personal revelations:

One sure way to increase revelation in your life is Meditation. Meditation brings revelation and revelation the manifestation of what’s been revealed. In this verse every word that’s come from God is to be received as a light that shineth in a dark place, “until”. There is a process of becoming revelation.

When we read a scripture it is as a light that shineth in a dark place “until” the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts. That is revelation, we meditate, speak out loud, re read and speak out loud over and over the same verse “until” the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.

***Todd Bentley experiences Supernatural smelling of scents – signs of Kundalini:

We were created with five natural and five spiritual senses including touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. In the same way that I am familiar with these five senses in the natural, why not in the spirit? Can we touch, taste, sight, smell and hear heavenly things now?


I want to share with you some of the ways God reveals himself and some different experiences I have had in the prophetic. One of the first experiences I ever had with revelation was through the scent sense.

Smells: We should be aware of what we smell. Sometimes He wants to minister His presence on His people’s lives and we can smell the fragrant touch. At times I have smelled cinnamon, vanilla, roses and even oil, such as oil that one would use to polish boots.

***Todd Bentley practices out of body experiences (another manifestation of kundalini) due to altered state of consciousness:

I was taken into the spirit several times and quite I will feel my body be sucked up like a vacuum. I will immediately shake and feel myself hurled through space and time. I have even seen and felt myself leave the earth, travel through the stars and flash of bright light and I am somewhere. Did my physical body go? Never that I know but when I find myself aware of where I was before I went I know I was in another place. All my emotions are heighten and involved in a caught up experience and most times I feel my self go.

To read Todd Bentley’s entire description of his Open Heaven living and daily soaking experiences, which may as well be at a contemplative New Age retreat or spa, see here:

(The Open Heaven Soaking Music website where this “teaching” can be found belongs to Jay Maddox who operates in ‘a seer anointing.’ While Maddox and Bentley, like many others in the soaking movement, may say they are attempting to bring people of all ages into closer communion with God, the Bible says that we are brought near only by the blood of Christ. These teachings are overshadowed by the Spirit of Error, not by the Spirit of Truth, as this website states.)

Related reading:

Kundalini Energy (the effects of Soaking Prayer)

SOAKING? A spiritual discipline or Eastern mysticism?

Todd Bentley and Contemplative Meditation

Todd Bentley’s Divine Silence

More Ministries Now Tracking the Florida Revival

Let Us Reason Ministries is now tracking the Angel/Vision/Burning Hotel story trail here:

A Story of Earth and Heaven
Caught up to deception and a dark visitation

Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries is also now tracking this revival and has sent this out in his latest newsletter…

Lakeland – Just Another Counterfeit Revival

Just another lie, another deception, and another false move of God. Just one more false revival

It is just more of the same old ridiculous, unscriptural, carnal, and demonically inspired junk that will not and cannot bring true biblical & historical revival, but can be used to help prevent it.

In the character of other counterfeit moves of God that produced no promised revival, the latest lie is from Lakeland, Florida – after the failed promised revivals of Kansas City, Toronto, and Pensacola.

It is more of the same unbiblical doctrine and contra-scriptural practices, manipulation, carnality, demonic influences, counterfeit spirituality, and just plain stupidity in the groove of The Kansas City False Prophets (Mike Bickle, the drunken homosexual Paul Cain, and the sexually immoral Bob Jones), the Toronto Experience (John Arnot, influenced by Rodney Howard Brown via Randy Clark), its American clone, the Pensacola fiasco (John Kilpatrick, Steve Hill), and West Africa’s TB Joshua.

No revival came from any of this lunacy, and true revival will not come from Lakeland either for the same reasons – it is not scriptural and not of God….

Read the rest of this article here:

Tracking Bob, Todd and Patricia to the Third Heaven

In this extremely revealing google video, Todd Bentley talks about his out of body (astral projection) experience into the third heaven with Bob Jones. Even Patricia King tells of her attempt to get to the third heaven with Bob, but all she saw was a light. Then there’s the children that Bob frequently takes up to the third heaven where he lets them loose and they see the white light. As they discuss this, they all smell vanilla, because the third heaven smells like…vanilla, of course.

(Those wondering about the blue flame in the bottom corner of the screen can read about Patricia King and the blue flame here.)

“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” 1 Timothy 4:1

Wake up sheep!

Related: Heaven’s Realities or Todd Bentley’s Delusions