keeping a watchful eye on the wolves

Following the Tracks (Part 2)- from Abbotsford to Lakeland and Around the World

At the beginning of this year, Todd Bentley spoke at Secret Place 2008 in his hometown of Abbotsford, B.C., Canada.

How disappointing to see that (at about 5 minutes into this video clip) Abbotsford’s own Brian Doerksen provided the worship music. Some of us were hoping to see more discernment from him.
Todd Bentley’s Prophetic Direction from the Lord for 2008 involves “a certain shift that has come to pass concerning the secret place. Namely, there is a whole lot more involved in the secret place than just coming into God’s presence to rest, soak and marinade, as good as that is. We’re shifting! In fact we need to shift; and it’s into something much deeper…being transformed…to the point that we actually become a resting place for the Lord.

Is it any coincidence that others are also talking about a paradigm Shift in the spiritual realm? Such as the Willow Creek Shift, Brian McLaren’s Deep Shift, and Oprah, Eckhart Tolle and the New Age Shift, for starters. It’s all about a New Age shift in concsciousness. Just google some of those terms and you will see.

Todd Bentley, who was recently in Australia, will soon leave the “revival” meetings in Florida, shift into another gear and make tracks around the globe. Here are a few of his next stops:

North America
South Korea/Indonesia

See his 2008 intinerary here:

Sheep beware. You never know when a wolf is coming to your town.


NOTE: Update – June 28, 2008

The above video of Todd Bentley speaking at The Secret Place in Abbotsford, B.C. has disappeared.

12 responses

  1. Lucas

    I must disagree. This is a very different “shift” going on in the newage realm than in the realm of the Body of Christ. The “enlightenment of man” that the new-agers speak of is a strategic move by the forces of darkness to counter what the Spirit of God is doing in the Church. The new age movement is just a twisting of something that God is in the middle of doing in the Church. Christ is preparing his bride. And Satan is fooling men to exalt mankind.

    April 26, 2008 at 8:18 pm

  2. There is some good discussion and Christian overviews with reference to Eckhart Tolle’s book, “A New Earth” at the following links that are worth checking out….


    April 27, 2008 at 4:46 pm

  3. It is so very sad to see so many christians who have passed into this paradigm shift. The same as the new agers. The main reason this has happened to God’s people is because they have neglected the very clear command of the Lord in 1 Corinthians 4:6 to not go above and beyond what it written. As Dr. Joseph Chambers of Pawcreek Ministries in Charlotte, NC has stated “to ignore that is to commit spirtual suicide”. So many in the body of Christ have ignored the Lord’s warning here for some emotional feel good excitement! I have a relative that had not taken my many warnings regarding the charismatic new wave, and now she is a totally different person. She is one of the many who have had a paradigm shift. A new way of looking at things and interpreting scripture to line up with the demonic new world order!! It is sad to see no “fruit” displayed. Instead it is broken promises, not standing up to evil, jealousy, materialism, etc. I have known quite a few people who have gone through the paradigm shift and believe me they are like totally different people. Almost aliens!! I praise Jesus who directed me to all of these awesome discernment ministers about nine years ago or I would not even know how to interpret all of these drastic personality changes in people right now! What satan did not finish with charismatics and pentecostals who did not stick to the bible, he is now accomplishing with the evangelicals through the contemplative Rick Warren mess. I am very sad as I have no like minded christians to talk to now about all of this. I pray the Lord move us out of Fayetteville, NC to somewhere where I can find a old fashioned bible preaching only church. I see new age signs going up around here saying “unity for prosperity” “we are building a inclusive community”. It is awful to live here. I pray the Lord will take us soon. Until then, I have bookmarked your website as it was a link from my Lighthouse Trails newsletter. When you think that around 80,000 Americans are meditating each day and passing into the paradigm shift, the world is just about ripe for the antichrist to take center stage and control the masses conciousness! Come quickly Lord Jesus!! May the Lord continue to bless all of His true discernment ministers.
    In His Service,
    Mrs. Coreen Beck

    May 3, 2008 at 2:52 am

  4. sheepyweepy


    Whether the paradigm shift label is used by Brian McLaren, Willowcreek Church, Erwin McManus, the Elijah List prophets, or Eckhart Tolle and the New Agers, it is one and the same. It is a global mind shift that is converging towards the same goal, although repackaged and labeled according to consumerism’s supply and demand.


    Thanks for the links.


    Praise the Lord that you are His, and that you know the voice of your Shepherd.

    May 3, 2008 at 4:08 am

  5. I am so glad that I listened to my Shepherd’s voice eight years ago. My Assembly of God church started bringing in Rick Joyner teachings to the adult Sunday school. They were mesmerized by his book “The final quest”. This and alot of other things that the Lord placed on my heart that was very wrong, led me to leave. I would not compromise truth for fellowship even though I had been active in the church for nearly six years. They were offering “strange fire” and I wanted no part of it. I have found that fearing the Lord and not man brings one into a much closer walk with Jesus. I would like to share some information that explains all of the paradigm shift in detail. Tricia Tillin of Banner Ministries in the UK wrote a nine part series titled “Doctrines of Demons”. It is well worth the ink and paper to print it. The web address to part one is:
    She has through the years written awesome articles trying to help christians avoid the apostasy. Thank you for your kind words to me. God bless you.
    In His Service,

    May 4, 2008 at 3:02 am

  6. michael sibinil

    I speak again of the likes of Bentley, Hinn, Khulman and the rest of the new age faith healers (I do believe that the miracles of that Pentecostal Preacher from Old Bradford, England called Smith Wigglesworth, were real and that he was indeed genuinely anointed by the Spirit of the true Living God…..)who are gaining followers by the thousands daily. I live in a country called Malaysia where one could be jailed for proselytizing a Muslim!! Freedom of religious expressions??? Only inside the church’s confines and even then…., it is extremely dangerous to say anything “BAD” about Mohammet or his Koran! Ironically though…., they do “encourage” ignorant christianized people (especially papists, Anglicans, Evangelicals and (believe it or not….) even the no-nonsense “stone-cold / steel-eyed” Baptists pastors preach that “Allah is none but the Judeo-hristian God named YAHWEH”. They also refer to Elohim as “Shang-Di” in Chinese. Strange “gods” abound within the 10/40 Window world you know. Even the cow dung and pee (piss)are MOST sacred!! They also tell me that I have my origin from a tree called the “banyan” tree. But my main contention is that these people can easily be tested whether they are tares of wheat by just asking them simple questions like:
    (1) What do you think of the Teresa of Kalkota?
    (2) Who do you think pope JPII was?
    (3) Is Roman Catholicism a true Church of Christ?
    (4) Are papists saved?
    (5) Is Mahatma Gandhi in Heaven or in Hell?
    (6) Are Hitler, Lenin, Darwin, Pol Pot, Ferdinand Marcos, Idi Amin, Ayatollah Khomeni, Hirohito, Mao Tse Tung, Teresa of Kalkota and all other individuals who denied Jesus Christ being “THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE” living in Heaven with Jesus Christ whom they denied?
    (7) Do you honor heathen governments and obey ‘blindly’ (even pledging allegiance to) those in the government and especially in the military (acting on behalf of the heathen government) to join the military for the purpose of “hunting down” your own Christian brethren because these pagan heathens have no stomachs to slaughter and annihilate your Christian brethren?
    (8) Do you honor the personality or the position that the unsaved heathen?
    (9) Is it “ok” for Christian organisations to invite heathens to officiate the opening of a religious meeting / conference?
    (10) Can a man only come to know whether he is saved or not only upon completing the “race” (that the Apostle Paul was referring to)??
    (11) Is it necessary for a saved Born Again Christian to say the sinners’ prayer and the prayer that say “I am born again” over and over during worship prayers?
    (12) Can the genuinely born again Christian lose his/her salvation?
    If all the answers to the 12 questions above are to the AFFIRMATIVE “YES”…. or that the responses are positive, then know without a shadow of a doubt that such a person is FAKE! Period. I have heard of an evangelical preacher who is a medical officer by profession who talks about “Mother Teresa” and all the goodness in her and talked about “honoring heathen governments because YAHWEH placed the Islamic/Communist/heathen governments of Iran, Cuba, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Japan,China, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Congo, Zembabwe, etc in power and that they are YAHWEH’s emissaries or vicars on earth and that opposing them shall incur the untold wrath of God!! Imagine that…. I tell you…., this came out of the mouth of a preacher who recently eulogised Todd Bentley and his on-going so-called Florida revival meetings that draw people in the hundreds of thousands. This guy came to our town sometime ago and I was not the LEAST impressed with his “performances” on stage. He stayed in a 5-Star hotel!! The Fresh Fire conference was officiated by a pagan who worshiped a mystical god that resides at the foot of a huge banyan tree in the hinterland of North Borneo!!! In one instant, this pagan quipped “YOU CAN THANK YOUR LUCKY STARS THAT WE HAVE A TOLERANT GOVERNMENT…” And strangely…, NOT one soul bothered to make a comment about what the pagan remarked. And this pastor is yearning for a revival…. wow!!! He’ll be sorely dismayed, I tell ‘ya. And I ain’t lying or anything…. These people are nothing but WOLVES in sheep’s clothing. Period.

    Contending for the Word …

    May 6, 2008 at 1:58 pm

  7. Ruth Watson

    Dear Coreen,
    Thank you so much for your comments.
    It expresses how much we are in a similar position in England and is an encouragement to know that others are seeking a church with Bible teaching. You can sense people ”slipping away” into this tragic mess.
    Trusting in Jesus,

    May 24, 2008 at 5:29 pm

  8. Dear Ruth,
    I wish we lived closer so they we could do bible study and fellowship together. I have gone to just about every church here where I live within a fifty mile radius, and everyone I have visited is in the apostasy one way or another. I study my bible at home with my concordance at hand, and just keep praying to the Lord that when my husband returns from Kuwait, He will lead us out of here to a new place to live. I know that there is alot of like minded Christians out there and I am trusting Jesus to bring us to them. For now I get much comfort reading from all of the wonderful discernment ministries web sites. I know that I am not alone. Please visit Tricia Tillin’s web site on my above entry. She is such a wonderful discernment minister. Her writings through the years have helped and comforted me so much as I would see and experience alot of what she would describe. It would be a great blessing to me if we could correspond to one another. I do not like to bother the female discernment ministers much as I know how busy they are with research etc. May the Lord continue to bless you and may He continue to uphold and strengthen us all until He returns.
    In His Service,
    P.S. I was born in Mildenhall England.

    May 26, 2008 at 12:38 am

  9. Ruth Watson

    Hi Coreen,
    It is indeed a great help to read these Christian discernment sites. A solid encouragement to one another in these confusing times.
    My family has passed Mildenhall several times on our way to Suffolk…sometimes the airshow has been in progress!!
    Would be pleased to correspond. Not sure how????!!
    God bless you in your study of His Word,

    May 29, 2008 at 9:22 pm

  10. Dear Ruth,
    I do not mind giving my address as it is in our phone book here. I could then send you my e-mail address. I have asked one of the discernment ministries about having a chat room for folks like us, who knows? What a blessing it would be to talk with other like minded Christians right now. Have you heard of the Todd Bentley fresh fire revival yet? It is being reported on all of the discernment web sites. My address is 963 Pepperwood Dr. Fayetteville, NC 28311 USA God bless you Ruth and hope to hear from you soon!
    In His Service,
    Coreen Beck

    May 31, 2008 at 1:18 am

  11. Pingback: More Disappearing Trails « Wolf Tracks

  12. Anonymous

    An audio podcast of Todd Bentley speaking at Secret Place VI (2008 ) continues to be available at: Listening now. . . .

    June 27, 2008 at 8:50 pm

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